When I log into my account I unable to see the dashboard or my event spaces

If you log into your account and you are unable to see your dashboard or event spaces, it may be due to one of the following:

1) Your account privileges: Users can be added as 'Company Administrator', 'Location Administrator' or 'Location Manager'. If you are added as a Location Manager you may be unable to edit your event spaces and thus this will not appear when you log in.

2) Your email address is not associated with the account: Email venue@venuenow.com to verify your email address is on the account

3) You have created a 'Guest' account instead of a 'Venue' account: Our system may identify your email address as a 'guest' i.e. a customer rather than a 'venue'. Our venue support team will be able to assist verify the status of your email address and can further troubleshoot your login in issue.